123. Tom Gates: Excellent Excuses (and other good stuff) by Liz Pichon
Excellent Excuses (and other good stuff) by Liz Pichon
Tom Gates (#2)
Rating: (3/5)
(Canada) ONLY
Feb. 24, 2013, Scholastic Canada, 351 pgs
Age: 8+
"Tom Gates, master of excuses, expert doodler and hilarious story writer is back:
Gold Star Award Chart!
Getting to the Top of Mr. Fullerman's AWARD chart is proving a bit Tricky! This is mostly because:
1. Marcus Meldrew is a sneaky so-and-so and up to NO good, if you ask me.
2. My tooth is aching SO much that I can't EVEN concentrate on drawing in class.
3. I keep getting sidetracked by interesting activities like SWIMMING, bug catching and, most importantly, spending quality time annoying my sister Delia."
Received a review copy from Scholastic Canada.
Much like the "Wimpy Kid" books, this series is very similar except written at a bit of an easier level; it has much more drawing and graphically appealing that in some ways it could be called a graphic novel, though don't get me wrong it has no comic bubbles or panels and is a chapter book. It is also decidedly British and hasn't been Americanized; in fact, at the end of the book "Tom" has created a visual and funny glossary which defines a lot of the British-isms for the reader. I haven't read the first book and it didn't hamper my understanding of this one at all but I think I may have had an extra fondness for the characters if I had. Extremely humorous in the British humour way but with no real plot, just the average (well, not-so-average) day-to-day doings of a middle school boy, his friend, annoying older sister and the class bully. Fun read will appeal to reluctant readers and those who like to draw.
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