184. Peg and the Yeti by Kenneth Oppel

Peg (#2)
Pages: 32
Ages: 4+
Finished: Jul. 6, 2012
First Published: 2004
Publisher: Harper Collins Canada
Genre: picture book, Canadian author
Rating: 4/5
First sentence: "Peg was born upon the bright blue sea."
Publisher's Summary: "Peg, who was born on the bright blue sea, figures she’s spent enough time sloshing around the bottom of the world. She’s determined to climb the world’s tallest mountain, because, as she’s heard, the view is quite something. Despite the warnings of other climbers -- “You’ve got no gear!” “There’s wind storms!” “They say there’s a monster up there: the Yeti!” -- Peg continues to climb.
Several close encounters with a grumpy Yeti don’t discourage Peg one bit, especially when she finds the Yeti has a yen for her tasty pork scruncheons. Now Peg wants to get onto the summit, but the Yeti won’t go away."
Acquired: Borrowed a copy from my local library.
Reason for Reading: I am reading all of the author's books.
This is the second in the adventures of Peg series. Peg likes things that are big and best and this time she decides to climb Mt. Everest. Told in the format of a tall tale this is a fun, over-the-top adventure that will have kids laughing at the unbelievable abilities Peg is capable of. Her Yeti encounter starts off a little frightening but Peg soon turns the monster into a teddy bear and her fun doubles as he joins her on the trip back home. The book ends with Peg ready for another adventure and we see her on what looks like a fishing boat headed down the Amazon, leaving the book open for a sequel which Oppel has chosen not to follow up on.
This book would not be what it is without the artwork of one of Canada's leading picture book illustrators, Barbara Reid. Reid works in Plastoscene 2D sculptures that are intricate and detailed. One can feel the texture and almost see the images coming off the page. Any book illustrated by Reid is worth picking up for her art alone. I saw her once on the kids' TV show "This is Daniel Cook"and she was amazing to see in action.
PS - I wish that kid didn't have to grow up, because that was a great show, my son (and I) loved it when he was little. We never really took to his replacement Emily Yeung, she just didn't have his personality or was as cute, imho. I love red heads; he reminded me of my nephew when he was little (now a highschool graduate!)
This sounds like a great book. I love the idea of the monster being turned into a teddy bear. :-)