262. Bone: Ghost Circles by Jeff Smith

Bone, Vol. 7
Pages: 150
Ages: 9+
Finished: Nov. 27, 2011
First Published: 2001 (colourized edition, 2008)
Publisher: Graphix/Scholastic
Genre: children, graphic novel, fantasy
Rating: 5/5
First sentence:
Hey, Jonathan!
Acquired: Purchased a new copy from an online retailer.
Reason for Reading: next in the series.
This volume is one big journey as Gran'ma Ben, Thorn and the Bone cousins travel across a barren land scattered with ghost circles to reach Atheia, the ancient city of the royal family. A brief flash to the Lord of the Locusts and occassional jumps to villagers after the previous battle give a change of pace. But for the most part we have a plot-focused, forward-moving, action-high journey in progress that is a quick, enjoyable read. It's been a good 3 months since I read the last book, so it was a delight for me to come back to this series and find these old friends as delightful as ever. Humour and adventure abound, while this is quite a dark ,and a bit scary, volume. Great stuff! Just two more books to go! (and the prequel)
Yay Bones! I am glad you continue to love them. :)