216. Bang Goes a Troll by David Sinden, Matthew Morgan & Guy Macdonald

Bang Goes a Troll by David Sinden, Matthew Morgan & Guy Macdonald. illustrated by Jonny Duddle
An Awfully Beastly Business, Book 3
Pages: 202 pgs.
Ages: 8+
Finished: Nov. 17, 2009
First Published: Sep. 15, 2009
Genre: children, fantasy
Rating: 4/5
First sentence:
High on a snowy mountaintop, a blizzard was howling.
Reason for Reading: Next in the series. Read aloud to the 9yo.
Acquired: I received a review copy from Simon & Schuster Canada.
Summary: The RSPCA receive a messenger bat that tells them the trolls are in trouble and Dr. Fielding, Orson, Ulf and Tiana set out to investigate. Once there they find that someone has set up an elaborate enclosure full of mechanical traps for a beast hunter's ultimate hunting weekend getaway. The three meet a new friend and set out to save the beasts.
Comments: This is definitely my favourite book in the series so far. So as not to keep repeating the same template book after book of having Baron Marackai plotting against the RSPCA the authors have gone in a different direction. Here we have the Baron already involved in his nefarious scheme when our heroes arrive on the scene to foul up his plans. Of course the Baron is only too pleased to have another chance to rid himself of his pesky nemesis. At this point in the series we are comfortable and great friends with the main characters and they need no introductions, nor do the authors waste space to re-introduce them. Everybody we've come to love returns, though our favourite character, Druce the gargoyle only has two small scenes this time around. However, we immediately took a liking to the new character Gumball the Goblin, whom I couldn't help but read aloud with a Gollum-like voice! Very funny story, full of action. The nine-year old was laughing and cheering so loud I often had to stop before I could continue reading. This is a wonderful series, that boys, especially are going to love. But girls will equally find appeal probably enjoying Tiana the Fairy and her take no guff attitude the best. Looking forward to next month's release of Book 4, The Jungle Vampire. Which, by the looks of it, may possibly be the last in the series. I'll wait until I know for sure before I tell my son though, as he's not going to take that news well at all!
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