190. The Murder of Abraham Lincoln

The Murder of Abraham Lincoln by Rick Geary
A Treasury of Victorian Murder, Book 7
Pages: unpaginated
Finished: Dec. 17, 2008
First Published: 2005
Genre: graphic novel, true crime
Rating: 3/5
Reason for Reading: next in the series.
First sentence:
At the east front of the Capitol, the magnificent, newly-completed dome
oversees the second inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln.
Comments: Tells the story of Abraham Lincoln's assassination from several days before through to the death and burial of John Wilkes Booth. JWB's early life is examined but Lincoln's is not. I am familiar with the events of this assassination so the content was not new to me. I've mentioned before that I think these assassination books do not truly fit with the theme of the series. They are not really murders in the true sense; there is no detection or policing involved nor is there any mystery to be solved. JWB was identified almost immediately.
I also felt this book more cramped in graphic design than the others. There were many pages with many panels that gave an overall feeling of trying to squish too much on the page. It was an enjoyable enough hour spent reading but not the best in the series by any means. Though it would certainly make a good introduction to someone who does not know the events already.
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