52. Beyond Reach

Beyond Reach by Karin Slaughter
Sixth in the Grant County series

Pages: 404
Finished: Mar. 13, 2008
Reason for Reading: next in the series.
First Published: 2007
Genre: thriller
Rating: 4/5

First Sentence:

What had they given her?

Comments: Lena Adams is in her hometown and has been arrested after she is found on the scene of a terrible car fire containing a burnt body and a gas can beside her. Jeffrey, bringing Sara with him, goes to talk to her and walks into the middle of a town keeping a dark secret. This latest Grant County thriller throws drug trafficking, meth addiction and white supremacists into the mix. As Indelible took us into Jeffrey's past, Beyond Reach takes us into Lena's past and uncovers her family secrets. This was an another exciting, masterfully plotted mystery with a solution that took me by surprise. Karin Slaughter is a master of this genre.

However, the ending of this book is another matter.

As I read the last pages I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks. I did not see the ending coming as I had not read any spoilers for this book. I had to read those two pages over a couple of times before I actually believed what I was reading. To say the least I am flabbergasted and as a fan of this series I feel somewhat betrayed, possibly angry, definitely displeased. Those are my immediate reactions, only a few hours old and I'll probably calm down as time goes by but at this point I'm not sure if I'll "look forward" to the next book of the series. I will read it, with trepidation, but I definitely need to let this sink in.

If you haven't read any of this series, I strongly advise against reading them out of order. There is a story that runs through them of the main characters that you would miss out on otherwise. Blindsighted is the first, and I recommend you start there.


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