Have You Been Saved?: A Catholic Perspective by Rev. John Dowling

Have You Been Saved?: A Catholic Perspective by Rev. John Dowling
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Paperback, 24 pages
Published June 1st 1995 by Liguori Publications

A small pamphlet (booklet) which explains to Catholics what evangelicals and fundamentalists mean when they ask "have you been saved?" The book is written to the cradle Catholic to whom this question may be baffling and not know how to respond. Then gives a 10-step thorough, excellent understanding of what salvation actually means and the Catholic view, supported by Scripture, of this ongoing process. I am a convert and having been on both sides of the coin certainly understand the saved question but found this an excellent, concise source of the information one should be armed with tackling the topic with non-Catholics.


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