2014 Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge - FINISHED

I have so many books on my ereaders and so many of them come from Netgalley or Edelweiss that I was pledging to myself to spend more time e-reading this year.  Then I stumbled upon this challenge and thought, yes!  A challenge to keep me in line.  Now I want to read more than this but I'm going to set my goal low so I don't feel pressured.  I'm thinking 1 per month so I'll sign up for the second level of 10 books and hope to level up from there.  I'm self imposing a no graphic novels rule because if I included those then that's all that would be included here and my purpose wouldn't be served!  For more information and to sign-up click here

Post reviews here.

Jan.1-Dec. 31 (2014) Goal:  10 books

Bronze – 10 books
1. The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas by David Almond
2. Little Joe by Michel E. Glasscock II
3. The Kept by James Scott
4. The Trial of Dr. Kate by  Michael E Glasscock III 
5. Going Home by A. American
7. Apocalyptic Organ Grinder by William Todd Rose
10. Surviving Home by A. American

Silver - 25 books
15. Children Are Naughty by Vincent Cuvellier
21. The Widow Smalls and Other Stories by Jamie Lisa Forbes
22. Escaping Home by A. American
23. My Uncle Gus the Garden Gnome by Jackie French
24. My Gran the Gorilla by Jackie French

Dec, 19 - FINISHED Silver (Yeah!)


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