DVD Break: Batman: The Legend Begins
Batman: The Animated Series: The Legend Begins- (1992) - (DVD) - (animated) - (own)
This includes five random episodes from season 1 of the series. They are not in any particular order and the placement of one episode in particular is confusing. First off, though, I absolutely love this series!! I watched it on TV when it was originally on air/in re-runs with my oldest son. And I'll say I enjoyed watching this much more than the 12yo. This Batman is dark, speaks in the deep monotone voice and people obviously die (though it's not shown). The atmosphere is a very 1940s gangster movie setting. The cars, clothes, phones, slang, etc. are from this era and yet nothing from the modern day (1992) is missing so the time is irrelevant. It really appeals to me and I just love the animation here. This disc contains: Episode 2 "On Leather Wings" featuring a mad scientist and my favourite on the whole disc; Episode 38 "Christmas with the Joker", this one is terribly out of place because it includes Robin and he hasn't been introduced yet nor does he appear in any of the other episodes on the disc; Episode 10 "Nothing to Fear" featuring The Scarecrow, another good episode; Episode 15 "The Last Laugh" once again featuring the Joker; and finally Episode 9 "Pretty Poison" featuring, you guessed it, Poison Ivy, my second favourite episode of the disc. Poison Ivy is one of my favourite Batman villains and I absolutely hate the Joker. A good disc for an introduction to the series or a stocking stuffer but there is no need to get these one-offs as the complete series is available on DVD. We will be donating this to our library.
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