Thrill Week Questionaire (Blog Hop)

The Thrill Ride Questionnaire
all responses relating to Genres: Mystery, Thriller and Suspense  
Blog Hop sponsored by Tea Time with Marce      

1)  Introduce yourself
My name is Nicola.  I am 44 years old.  I was born in England but have lived in Canada all my life.  I've lived in Southern Ontario most of that time also except for 15 years spent in Alberta.  I know live in Niagara Falls and think it is the most wonderful place on earth to live! Did you know it is the most southern point of Canada?  I have Asperger's, am married, and have two sons (23 & 12).  I am Catholic and my faith defines my very being.

2) What has been your top 3 reads this year? Link your reviews

The Serial Killer Whisperer by Pete Early 
Phantom by Jo Nesbo 
The Dispatcher by Ryan David Jahn 

I read so many books (237 and counting) that my *top* reads are different each time I look at the list of books I've read.  These 3 books were excellent!

3) What are you currently reading during Thrill Week?

Right now I'm reading Criminal by Karin Slaughter.  Then I plan on reading A Room Full of Bones by Elly Griffiths.  I also have Kathy Reichs latest two books slated for September as well.

4) Do you have an all time favourite cover in the genres above?

I don't have an all-time favourite cover.

5) What debut author(s) or new to you author(s) have you read within the last 12 months that have impressed you?

Ryan David Jahn.  I read his new book The Dispatcher and enjoyed it so much I had to read his first book right away, Good Neighbors.

6) Favourite trilogy or series you recommend to others to read in the genres above?

Mo Hayder's Jack Caffrey series.

7) What popular author(s) have you NOT read but is on your Wishlist?

Steig Larrson , James Patterson, Anne Perry, Alexander McCall Smith, Dennis Lehane and oh so many more!

8) Other than blogs, share with us what other tools you use or subscribe to in order to keep up with the latest news on authors, new releases, book tours, etc? 

Shelf Awareness, Good Reads, Amazon, publisher's websites.  I don't follow author's websites as I usually find them out of date!

9) What current book is hyped among the blogosphere that you want to read or are not interested in? Why or why not or link your review if you have read it.

Well, the Steig Larrson books.  They were hyped so much and so fast that they just sort of passed me by.  I don't jump on band wagons and now that they are making the movies, I'll probably wait until the movies are all done then read each book and watch its movie as I go along.

10) What is most important in these genres to you? Plot, characters, location, dialogue, red herrings, narrator or what mix of them?

It's all about character!!!  I can read books where nothing happens, if I we get to get inside the heads of the characters.  I want fully developed characters with backstory.  Secondly, I figure out mysteries pretty easily, so red herrings, twists and turns, are necessary too.  I hate figuring it out as soon as the character, who is the killer, is introduced.

11) Recommend a book made into movie you thought both were good? 

I don't watch a lot of movies.  So nothing is coming to mind right now that I've actually read the book of and seen.  Oh, I think the new Sherlock Holmes with Benedict Cumberbatch is exceptional!!

12) Recommend a book you would like to discuss with others and possibly the author? Note – I will do a poll with participant’s choices at the end of Thrill Week and then we can agree on a date for Q&A. I will try and arrange the chosen author to participate.

I'd love to discuss "The Devil of Nanking" aka "Tokyo" with Mo Hayder.  That is one twisted plot.


  1. Glad to have met you Nicola, found you from the promotional post, we definitely have similar interest.

    The Serial Killer Whisperer sounds great, going to read your review.

    KarinS is on my Wishlist.

    I don't have luck with hyped books. Steig L I have no interest.

    Your the 2nd that mentioned Sherlock H, I have a book I want to read, maybe this year.

    Thanks for participating.

  2. Hi..stopping by from Marce's. I see that this is going to be an interesting week with all the recommendations and new authors that I haven't read yet. Hopefully my tbr list will get read in my lifetime.

  3. I will have to check out the Serial Killer Whisperer. While studying at the UW in Washington I got to sit in on profiling lectures with the men who investigated the Green River Killer -- they set up the first national data base. This sounds like an intriguing non-fiction!

  4. Hi Nicola, funny how we are the opposite in what we find important in a book, I said plot then character : ) Boy with each blog I visit my author list keeps growing!


    Tomes Devotee

  5. Have been following so many on this Thrill Week. You do get to know the bloggers and what they like to read/and do.

  6. Hi, I'm stopping by to celebrate Thrill Week ll.

    I also really enjoyed The Dispatcher this year and the Elly Griffiths series is on my wishlist

    I am looking forward to reading your reviews this week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  7. I have read most of the Conan Doyle books....!!

    Here are my answers to the questionnaire!!

  8. I find it interesting that you don't follow author's websites because they're out of date. I would have thought they were the most kept up. Nice tip. It's nice to meet you.

  9. Just stopping by for Thrill Week. I love Niagara Falls and think it would be an inspiring place to live.

  10. I love Sherlock Holmes!

    I see Nesbo is one I your top reads, an author that I still haven't gotten around to yet.

    Carol's Notebook


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