229. Voltron Force #3: Twin Trouble by Brian Smith

Twin Trouble by Brian Smith. Illustrated by Haracio Domingues & Pedro Pablo Perez Valiente (US) - (Canada)
Voltron Force, #3

Pages: 96
Ages: 9+
Finished: Aug. 21, 2012
First Published: Aug. 7, 2012
Publisher: viz media
Genre: children, manga, superhero
Rating: 4/5

First sentence: "This will be so epic."

Publisher's Summary: "Now that Daniel’s a Voltron Force cadet, he can’t wait to show off in front of his former classmates at the Galaxy Alliance Flight Academy. He owns the skies in Black Lion! Suddenly, two mysterious ships appear out of nowhere and put Daniel’s flying to shame. Who are these mysterious new pilots? And is their presence at the Academy an act of peace or aggression? "

Acquired: Received a review copy from Simon and Schuster Canada.

Reason for Reading: Next in the series.

These little volumes have fun, intelligent story lines.  Full of humour, attitude and one liners to keep you smiling, the plots are also quite intense and make for good science-fiction (albeit superhero) fare  Everybody is on hand for this adventure but the cadets take centre place as they are left to entertain and show the twins around.  Allura and Larmina are also main characters in this story since it takes place on their homeworld of Arus.  This story keeps us guessing as to whether the twins are spies of Lotor, everyone on the team has differing opinions and their behaviour themselves seems  to switch opinion back and forth.  There is a final resolution and a twist ending which is a lot of fun.  So far each book has had an ending with a plot line that could be further explored and yet up to this point, they have not, leaving each book as a stand-alone story.  I'm looking forward to the next volume but would like to see a continuous storyline start to develop.


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