DVD Break - Osmosis Jones

Osmosis Jones - (2001) - (animated/real life) - (DVD) - (own) - Ds has seen this multiple times but I however had manged to make it up to this point without ever seeing this before.  Ds enjoyed as much as he probably usually does laughing at all the toilet-type humour jokes and getting grossed-out when they went a little too far.  I'll admit to even thinking this wasn't too bad (I've seen worse).  The inside-the-body parts were even educational at times.  A science class could possibly get away with watching this as curricula.  Cute, not bad, not a movie I'd watch more than once and even though ds has seen it multiple times he is plenty fine with donating it to the library.  I was a bit tickled to recognize David Hyde Pierce's voice as the cold/flu pill as he fit the character well. 


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