168. Yow! A "John Stanley Library" Grab-Bag

Yow! Drawn & Quarterly Presents A "John Stanley Library" Grab-Bag for Free Comic Book Day 2010 by John Stanley. Illustrated by John Stanley & Dan Gormley
Pages: unpaginated (regular comic book size)
Ages: 5+
Finished: Jun. 19, 2012
First Published: May 1, 2010
Publisher: Drawn & Quarterly
Genre: children, comic book, humour
Rating: 4/5

First sentence: Thanks for asking me to come over and eat some of your granny's cookies, Oona, but I just had dinner and I'm full up to here!

Publisher's Summary: 
  • Melvin Monster
  • Tubby
  • Nancy
  • Judy Junior
  • Choo Choo Charlie

Acquired: Received a free copy on Free Comic Book Day 2010

Reason for Reading: I loved Nancy and Sluggo comic books when I was a kid.

Seems the Nancy & Sluggo comic books were printed up until the mid-1960s but I was reading them in the 1970s and I remember loving them.  The only other characters I remember from this collection are Tubby and Melvin Monster.  What we have here is a sampler with six stories from various collections available in the John Stanley Library such as "Melvin Monster Volume Two".  I enjoyed this little comic and especially enjoyed the Nancy stories, enough that I would buy Volume 1.  The others not enough to buy them, though I would try Tubby and Melvin Monster from the library.  Included is "Nancy and Oona Goosepimple's Uncle Oaf", Tubby: Tub's Mustache, Judy Junior: Arts and Crafts (the only one I did not enjoy), Nancy: A Chase of Nerves, Melvin Monster: The Thing, Choo Choo Charlie: A Bad Case of Squeebles.  Tub's Mustache & A Chase of Nerves were my two favourites.


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