6. MAOH: Juvenile Remix, Vol. 7 by Megumi Osuga

MAOH: Juvenile Remix, Vol. 7 by Megumi Osuga (US) - (Canada)
MAOH: Juvenile Remix, Vol. 7

Pages: 188
Ages: 16+
Finished: Jan. 7, 2012
First Published: 2007, Japan (English: Oct. 11, 2011)
Publisher: viz media
Genre: YA, manga, science fiction, fantasy
Rating: 5/5

First sentence:

D*mn ... Why does ... this stupid ... measly power have ... such nasty side effects?!

Acquired: Received a review copy from Simon & Schuster Canada.

Reason for Reading: Next in the series.

Publisher's Summary:  "Weakened from fighting and overusing his powers, Ando heads for a final confrontation with Inukai. Ando will risk everything to stop Inukai from reaching his objectives, but is it enough? And when the dust settles, the world will be changed forever."

This is a pivotal book in the series.  The first half is dark, intense and disturbing.  We found out just how bad the bad guys are and the story arc that has been going since volume 1 comes to a conclusion.  In the middle of the book, we are faced with "End of Act One" and immediately "Act Two" starts,  wherein new characters pick up the pieces of the story arc.  This is not exactly startling as the last volume gave us a preview of what to expect in this volume but plotwise we have an entirely new perspective to follow which keeps the story fresh and exciting.  We also are now focusing on a new major character and it looks like a minor character up to this point will start to play a bigger role.  This is one of the most exciting manga's I'm reading at the moment and once the last volume comes out this year (at vol. 10) I'll certainly be giving this one a re-read in the near future.


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