
Showing posts from January, 2012

25. Shot at Dawn: World War I by John Wilson

24. Nicholas St. North and the Battle of the Nightmare King by William Joyce

Graphic Novels Challenge 2012 - FINISHED

23. Jellaby by Kean Soo

22. Out of Slavery by Linda Granfield

21. 101 Puzzle Quizzes by The Grabarchuk Family

20. The Betrayal of Trust by Susan Hill

19. It's a Snap! George Eastman's First Photograph by Monica Kulling

18. African-American Classics (Graphic Classics)

17. Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee, Vol. 7 by Hiroyuki Asada

16. 14 Valentine Puzzle Quizzes by The Grabarchuck Family

2nds Challenge 2012 (FINISHED)

15. The Fathomless Fire by Thomas Wharton

13. The Last Dragon by Jane Yolen

12. 50 Underwear Questions: A Bare All History by Tanya Lloyd Kyi

11. Super Dinosaur Vol. 1 by Robert Kirkman

10. No Such Thing as Dragons by Philip Reeve

9. Green River Killer: A True Detective Story by Jeff Jensen

8. MAOH: Juveile Remix, Vol. 8 by Megumi Osuga

7. The Translation of the Bones by Frances Kay