177: Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth? by Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost, Book 1
Pages: 68
Ages: 6+
Finished: Aug. 9, 2011
First Published: 1992
Publisher: Random House
Genre: Children, easy reader chapter book, humour
Rating: 3/5
First sentence:
The End.Acquired: Purchased a used copy from a book/garage sale or thrift shop.
Reason for Reading: Son read aloud to me as his reader. This was his very first proper chapter book with one b/w drawing per chapter.
At a reading level of 1.9, this was a very good choice for my son's first chapter book. He did very well with the reading and was not intimidated with the full pages of text or infrequent b/w drawings. I have never read a Marvin Redpost book before and thought it was a fun story of a boy who reads in the paper that a King is coming to town searching for his lost son who was kidnapped at birth. Marvin just happens to match all the physical descriptions and since he's the only redhead in his family he thinks he may just be the missing Prince of Shampoon, so he goes through the procedures to find out if he is indeed really a Prince. A funny story. Ds did very well reading it, though he still needs sufficient help that he could not read a book like this on his own. Ds says he did not like the book at all, but he may be just in one of his moods as he didn't complain while reading it and certainly seemed to be enjoying the story as he read. But anyway, he's said he does not want to read anymore Marvin Redpost books. I would, if I had someone else to read them too. LOL. Maybe one day I'll set out to read all Louis Sachar's books, I've hardly read anything by him.
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