Batman Returns: The Penquin's Plot
Batman Returns: The Penquin's Plot by Michael Teitelbaum. Illustrated by Rick Holberg & Tad Chow (US) Out of Print
A Golden Look-Look Book
Pages: 24
Ages: 5+
Finished: Jul. 6, 2011
First Published: 1992
Publisher: A Golden Book/Western Publishing Co.
Genre: picture book, superheroes
Rating: 4/5
First sentence:
Acquired: Purchased a used copy at a garage/book sale or thrift shop.
Reason for Reading: Son read aloud to me as reader.
Typical quality superhero story picture book. Lots of action to please young fans. Ds has had this read to him for years and now that he's actually read it himself it's time to pass it along through the thrift shops again. Not sure how it relates to the actual movie as I barely even remember that, though illustrations of The Penguin are certainly recognizable as Danny DeVito inspired. Reading level was quite exceptionally high for this type of a picture book though, probably around Gr. 5, ds had a hard time reading it but fortunately he was familiar with the story. Fun little story for Batman fans.
A Golden Look-Look Book
Pages: 24
Ages: 5+
Finished: Jul. 6, 2011
First Published: 1992
Publisher: A Golden Book/Western Publishing Co.
Genre: picture book, superheroes
Rating: 4/5
First sentence:
It was Christmas in Gotham City.
Acquired: Purchased a used copy at a garage/book sale or thrift shop.
Reason for Reading: Son read aloud to me as reader.
Typical quality superhero story picture book. Lots of action to please young fans. Ds has had this read to him for years and now that he's actually read it himself it's time to pass it along through the thrift shops again. Not sure how it relates to the actual movie as I barely even remember that, though illustrations of The Penguin are certainly recognizable as Danny DeVito inspired. Reading level was quite exceptionally high for this type of a picture book though, probably around Gr. 5, ds had a hard time reading it but fortunately he was familiar with the story. Fun little story for Batman fans.
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