289. Irredeemable Vol. 4 by Mark Waid

Pages: 112
Finished: Dec. 19, 2010
First Published: Nov. 9, 2010
Publisher: Boom Studios!
Genre: Graphic novel, superheroes
Rating: 5/5
First sentence:
The world is in tatters.
Acquired: Received a review copy from Harper Collins Canada.
Reason for Reading: Next in the series
This volume contains Special Issue #1 and the next three issues of Irredeemable. The book starts with the Special which takes us back into the past giving us further background story to reveal three important persons in the coming future. We learn the whole story of "Hornet" the man who was burned with his family by Plutonian at the very beginning of the series, in Vol. 1. There is also a reveal here that will affect the future. We are introduced to a new character and shown how Max Damage and Jailbait became partners. Then it's back to the present where we once again take a look back at that fateful day that Plutonian went crazy. The rest of the story arc revolves around Bette Noir and her guilt of holding back her secret she revealed in the last issue. She's given a chance at finding redemption here as the Paradigm plan to finally take the Plutonian out, only to be betrayed by one of their own.
A very exciting issue with lots of build-up to the final climactic battle. Bette's character is given the most exposure in this particular story arc which is not a happy one at all. Plutonian has surprisingly little page time, except to show up for the flashbacks and the closing battle. This volume has many surprises as there is not only a revisit with a dead character in the past but then a a couple of dead characters return to the present! There is also a loss for the Paradigm as one of their members looses their life. An action-filled issue with plenty of insight into both the background story and Bette's character. Things will not be the same for Paradigm when next we meet them, leaving one anxious for the next volume.
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