35. Copper by Kazu Kibuishi

Pages: 95 pages
Ages: 12+
Finished: Feb. 24, 2010
First Published: Jan. 1, 2010
Genre: comics, graphic novel, YA
Rating: 2.5/5
Acquired: Received a review copy from Scholastic Canada.
Summary: A collection of the author/illustrator's first published works which first appeared online as web comics. This collection also includes some new comics and stories plus a special step-by-step section on how the author created the Copper comics. While the majority of comics are one page in length there are a handful which are "story" length covering six or so pages. These are the strange adventures of a little boy, Copper, and his dog, Fred. They venture to strange lands full of mushrooms, fly planes, go underwater, travel by boat, hike, surf and appear in surreal lands full of strange beings. Copper is full of energy, ready to try and do anything on a moment's notice completely carefree. Fred on the other hand, would rather stay home ...safe...but he most go where Copper goes so he is the voice of what could go wrong, he gets scared, he wants to leave, wants to go home, tells Copper the downfalls of his plans, but in the end he's usually won over and sometimes even proven right. They are wonderful characters who contrast each other delightfully. The illustrations are gorgeous, cute, whimsical with drawings I've come to expect form Kibuishi from his Amulet series.
My problem with these comics is that I suppose they are meant to be funny. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but that is still the purpose of a comic? Humour, satire, wit? Something to make you chuckle? Well, I simply didn't "get" these comics. I understood what was happening but why it was humorous or witty I haven't a clue. I'll admit there were a couple that made me smile further into the book but seriously on the whole I just seemed to be out of the loop on what was funny here. I really can't see kids appreciating the humour thus I recommend the book for ages 12 and up but even then I wonder. I can only say the humour is extremely esoteric and I am not a member of the club.
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