164. Fables: The Mean Seasons

Fables: The Mean Seasons by Bill Willingham
Fables, Book 5

Pages: 166
Ages: 18+
Finished: Sep.7, 2009
First Published: 2005
Genre: graphic novel, fantasy
Rating: 4/5

First sentence:

Say what you will about our mutual ex-husband.

Reason for Reading: Next in the series.

Comments: The book starts off with a single issue that features Cinderella. It feels purposeless at first but a little secret is revealed that later comes into play with a slight significance. Next is a two-issue story line featuring Bigby which flashes back to his World War II days and an ultra secret mission that he participated in. This was a great story line that introduced a new character who is living in Fabletown but I'm not sure whether he'll show up again. Then comes the meat of this volume with the continuation of the main storyline as the rest of the book follows "The Mean Seasons". Snow White gives birth and the election takes place. Both events cause a slew of fallout and meanwhile those in charge decide it is time to prepare to take on The Adversary.

Not one of my favourite issues what with the jumping around. Cinderella is not a character I like, but I love Bigby and his feature storyline was a lot of fun. The main plot was mostly sideline stories, which I enjoyed, but I am hoping to see the main story arc move forward in the next volume. (And I've received info that it does. So I am really looking forward to Volume 6). Overall, a fun volume. I enjoyed all the storylines except the first isolated story about Cinderella.

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  1. I love this series! I am all caught up so I am starting the Jack of Fables series now...

  2. Stick with it, the children are very interesting...


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