Monday ARCs in the Mail

Since my last Monday Arcs in the Mail post before I left for my trip I have read and reviewed 10 ARCs. Upon my arrival home I had 3 weeks worth of parcels and wow! they were unusually busy weeks of book arrivals too. I'm afraid my stats are not going to look too good for this period. See what taking a vacation does to your reading schedule? Having read and reviewed 10 ARCs and received 22 during that period that makes a total addition of 12 ARCs to TBR Planet. If anyone ever wonders where I am, that's me, over there, the one buried under all the books!!

And 1 Bookmooch:

And finally but certainly not least I was fortunate enough to win a trilogy of books by Karleen Koen from Arleigh over at


  1. Wow! First, welcome back. :) Second, that's quite an overwhelming pile to come home to - yikes! But, I'm no one to talk. I have a shelf full. :(

  2. Welcome back Nicola. I sure hope you had someone taking your mail in for you. Wow, what a haul!

  3. That's a lot of books to come home to! Several of those entered my house, too... Glad you are back! Have fun reading!

  4. Oh my goodness! You had a wonderful week!

  5. Joy - Thanks! It was rather overwhelming. It felt like a manilla Christmas.

    Teddy - yeah, my dh stayed home and he started complaining about my mail. This was def. not a usual 3 week haul for me!

    Kailana - Thanks. I'll be on the lookout to see which ones showed up at your house too, but I have a sneaky suspision one of them is by someone whose last name is Armstrong. LOL

    Ladytink - no,no, that wasn't from a week of mail, it was from the 3 weeks that I was away. my goodness if I got that many books in a week .....? ;0

  6. Oh my goodness, Nicola! I think I can make out your arm over there under all those books. :-)


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