An Adventure in Bookcrossing

I released my very first book "into the wild" as they say over at last week and I was so thrilled that a few days later it was picked up and registered! I've always thought of doing this bookcrossing thing but never got around to it. Being as I live in a Tourist destination, I imagine I could possibly have some books that make interesting travels. Well, it certainly brought me more joy than I thought it would and I think I'll do it again next time I have a book that's not Bookmooch-able.

Here's my book, it moved to the next town!


  1. Awesome! Welcome to Bookcrossing! I hope you enjoy it and have lots of success with your books in the wild.

    I'm LazyDaisy0413 at Bookcrossing. It's nice to "meet" another blogger who's also a Bookcrosser.

  2. How fun! When I joined - years ago now, I released three books and not one was registered. They were taken, though!

  3. I remember my first book that got "caught" exciting! Another that was memorable was one I released in Missouri and a year later it was caught in New Orleans. Someone must have sent it down as part of one of the many book drives after Hurricane Katrina.

  4. That's wonderful Nicola. I released a few books a few years ago and they never got caught. Then, a couple of months ago I went back to book crossing on a whim and found out one of my books finally got caught. It is fun when they get caught!

  5. Welcome to book crossing - I hid nearby to watch my first book being picked up - it never got journalled though :(

    I am sally906 0n bookcrossing as well as blogger :)

  6. I've never heard of Bookcrossing but I'll definitely check it out!

  7. to everyone - thanks for the welcomes and the stories. Sounds like I was pretty lucky to have my first book release registered!

    I guess it's all a matter of numbers, the more you have out the more you'll see registered.


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