38. Serenity: Those Left Behind

Those Left Behind by Joss Whedon
Serenity Vol. 1

Pages: unpaginated
Finished: Feb. 15, 2009
First Published: 2006 (collection of previously published comics)
Genre: graphic novel, science fiction
Rating: 3.5/5

Reason for Reading: I'm a huge fan! Graphic Novel Challenge

First sentence:

And so I say to you on this fine day, citizens of Constance, that your lives are not defined by that with which you enter this world, but rather with what you leave behind on it.

Comments: Takes place between the end of Firefly but before the movie Serenity. Inara continues her plans to leave. We are shown why Shepard Book left Serenity. Begins with a typical heist that does not go right. And we meet various other characters who create havoc for our friends, Badger and the Men in Blue Gloves. Nothing terribly special but a lot of fun revisiting the wonderful characters. The dialogue was written wonderfully, I could just hear the actor's voices in my head as I read. The artwork is quite good. Inara, Jayne and Kaylee are particularly close to their real live counterparts. Fun! Must read for fans.


  1. I love-love-loved this book. Can't wait to get the next one. I agree. This is a must for fans.

  2. Never did see that TV show or movie. I was a Buffy/ Angel fan (well to be honest, a Spike fan) only.

  3. I haven't seen all of Buffy yet but looooooooooove Angel (and Spike. too!)

  4. I really need to read this. I am really interested to know what happened between Firefly and Serenity.


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