Monday: Books in the Mail

Well it was very quiet and lonely in my mailbox (except for Christmas cards) over the holidays but last week my first arc of the year arrived

And after just having finished watching Angel Season 5 during December, I eagerly bought online the first two volumes of graphic novels of season 6:


  1. Both of those Angel's are really good. I had to get them after watching every season of Buffy and the fifth of Angel.

  2. OH...I'm green with envy over the Christopher Moore book!!

  3. I'm on the waiting list at my library for Fool, and I'm very much looking foward to reading it!

  4. I really need to read both of these as well as the Buffy ones that carry on after the TV show ended. I have read the 4 Spike After the Fall comics which were a lot of fun. They cross over a lot with the Angel ones I think.

  5. Sounds good Rhinoa. I plan on getting the Spike ones next. I love Spike!


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