192. Sons of Destiny

Sons of Destiny by Darren Shan
The Saga of Darren Shan, Book 12 (final book in series)
Pages: 199
Finished: Dec. 26, 2008
First Published: 2004
Genre: YA, paranormal
Rating: 4/5
Reason for Reading: next book in the series.
First sentence:
If my life was a fairy tale and I was writing a book about it, I'd start with, "Once upon a time there were two boys called Darren and Steve..." But my life's a horror story so if I were to write about it, I'd have to begin with something like this instead: Evil has a name -- Steve Leopard.
Comments: Well, here it is the final book in the series. I won't be giving a plot summary this time because, well, you just have to read the series. All the ends come together, mysterious doings from the past are finally understood and several reveals twist the plot in a different direction. The ending is very surprising and somewhat bittersweet. A very satisfying ending to a twelve book series. I can appreciate how hard it must be for an author of such a long series to come up with an ending which makes readers glad they've invested the time into all the books. I highly recommend this series and will look forward to reading more from Darren Shan.
Since my last review on Shan I've found out that the last two books in his "The Demonata" series will be released in the UK and Canada next year (2009) so I intend on starting to read it early next year. Also the second book of his adult series "The City" will be released in March in the UK and April in Canada.
I have now read the first four books in this series. You said that each three books is a mini series in the larger series, right? I was thinking I might buy books 5 and 6 while the storyline is fresh and then hopefully find the rest over time second hand....
ReplyDeleteYep, that's right and I think your plan sounds good. If you finish at the end of a third book and take a break, I don't think you'll have a problem getting back into them as Shan does a very good job of recapping everything to date in the first chapter of every book.