114. Vampire Mountain

Vampire Mountain by Darren Shan
Book 4 of Cirque Du Freak, The Saga of Darren Shan
Pages: 195
Finished: June 23, 2008
First Published: 2002
Genre: YA, horror
Rating: 4/5
Reason for Reading: next in the series.
First sentence:
"Pack your bags," Mr. Crepsley said late one night, as he was heading for
his coffin.
Comments: This time around Darren and Mr. Crepsley journey to Vampire Mountain to attend the Vampire Council held every 75 years where Darren will be presented to the Vampire Generals and Vampire Princes for the first time. This is a ritual every new vampire must go through.
This volume in the series was particularly interesting as we found out so much more about the vampire history and mythos. We also finally find out the what the "Little People" really are and Lefty becomes more of a main character. While the journey takes up most of the book and the plot is mostly a set up for the next book I really enjoyed learning more about the world of the vampires. Book 5, Here I come!
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