Flute's Journey: The Life of a Wood Thrush
Flute's Journey: The Life of a Wood Thrush by Lynne Cherry
Finished: May 16, 2008
First Published: 1997
Genre: picture book, non-fiction
Rating: 3.5/5
Reason for Reading: read aloud to the 7yo.
First sentence:
Comments: This book follows the life of a wood thrush from the time it is born and learns to fly in the Belt Woods of Maryland. Then as it journeys to Costa Rica for the winter and once more back again to Maryland where he mates and has babies of his own. The author/illustrator has written a lovely, interesting story full of information on the bird and his surroundings, including an even-handed presentation of environmental issues. The illustrations are lush, intricate and detailed. While the text will be over the heads of young children, the illustrations will be appreciated by all ages. The end pages are especially nice with the front showing a map of the journey from Maryland to Costa Rica and a border of birds found in summertime Maryland, while the back pages show a map of the reverse journey and birds found in wintertime Costa Rica.
Finished: May 16, 2008
First Published: 1997
Genre: picture book, non-fiction
Rating: 3.5/5
Reason for Reading: read aloud to the 7yo.
First sentence:
Four lovely turquoise eggs lay in a nest in a small dogwood tree in a forest in Maryland.
Comments: This book follows the life of a wood thrush from the time it is born and learns to fly in the Belt Woods of Maryland. Then as it journeys to Costa Rica for the winter and once more back again to Maryland where he mates and has babies of his own. The author/illustrator has written a lovely, interesting story full of information on the bird and his surroundings, including an even-handed presentation of environmental issues. The illustrations are lush, intricate and detailed. While the text will be over the heads of young children, the illustrations will be appreciated by all ages. The end pages are especially nice with the front showing a map of the journey from Maryland to Costa Rica and a border of birds found in summertime Maryland, while the back pages show a map of the reverse journey and birds found in wintertime Costa Rica.
The cover is beautiful. It sounds like a great book for children.